

•مرخصون من دائرة التنمية الاقتصاديه •المنتجات متوفره في اقرب كافيه /الشارقه/لاست اكزت •مستعدون لتلبية مناسباتكم الخاصه •للتواصل واتساب 0554147750



5 years ago

moist chocolate sponge cake, with a rich dark chocolate sauce topped with strawberry and kinder 
Heaven choco cake
A creamy and rich cake soaked with rose and pistachio flavored milk and topped with sweetened cream where you get the royal pistachio rose flavor in every bite.
Rose pistachio milk cake.•.•••
A creamy and rich cake soaked with rose and pistachio flavored milk and topped with sweetened cream where you get the royal pistachio rose flavor in every bite.
Rose pistachio milk cake.•.•••
This Chocolate Poke Cake is out of this world. SO chocolatey! So moist! Amazing. I dare you to try and keep your fork out of it. •
Chocolate poke cake topped with Belgium fudge
My signature cake •
 Soft and moist chocolate cake layer topped with super creamy chocolate mousse •
Chocolate mousse cake
My signature cake •
 Soft and moist chocolate cake layer topped with super creamy chocolate mousse •
Chocolate mousse cake
نكهة عربيه اصيله مزيج من الهيل والزعفران الفاخر .. مغطاه بطبقة من صلصة الزعفران ❤️

كية قرص عقيلي
Victoria cake
Victoria cake
Cloud mousse cake ☁️ •
Cloud mousse cake
Cloud mousse cake

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