

A certified nutritionist‍ We deliver detox juices نوصل لكم عصائر ديتوكس موثقين من قبل معروف (وزارة التجارة) Orders via DM Riyadh



منذ 5 سنوات

Figs, spinach, celery, cucumber, broccoli, and carrot 
تين وسبانخ وخيار وكرفس وبروكلي وجزر
honeydew melon, grapes, kiwi, grapefruit 
كيوي وعنب وجريب فروت وبطيخ المن
Pineapple, peach, mint, apricot, pear, 
اناناس ومشمش ونعناع وخوخ وكمثرى
Our juice cleanse that we offer includes all of the nutrients that you need in a day and it helps with weight loss. 
We have a one day detox, 3 day detox, 5 day detox, and 7 day detox. 
We also offer yummy smoothies that are good for you. 
تشمل عصائرنا الديتوكس حميع العناصر الغذائية اللي راح تحتاجها باليوم وتساعدك في خسارة الوزن وعندنا اشتراك يوم وثلاث ايام وخمس ايام وسبع ايام ونوفر أيضاً سموثي لذيذ صحي لكم
#health #smoothies #healthy #juicecleanse #detox 
+ الأجر العظيم
Word to Salma Hayek 
#juicecleanse #juice #blending #juicing #healthy #health #smoothies #lifestyle #vegas #detox
#Repost @ebtisamotb (@get_repost)
احب التاجرات اللي يهتمون بادق التفاصيل، تغليف المشروب والباكج يشوق! ✨
Check juicylicious out! They offer detox juices and smoothies! 
I highly recommend their detox juices. 
It helps with weight loss and it improves your health in general. 
Instagram @juicylicious0

شيكو حسابهم وابدأوا نظامكم الصحي، لان الدفع عند الاستلام ✔️
#avocado #vegan #vegetarian #healthy #health #veggies #fruits
What do you guys think about our brand new creative packaging‍♀️ ايش رايكم في الشكل الجديد لطلبياتنا؟
Fresh as eva #smoothies #detox #juicecleanse #juice #vegan #vegetarian #riyadh #ksa
Team whitey vs. Team blacky‍♀️ #vegan #vegetarian #pescatarian #health #healthy #lifestyle #detox #juicecleanse #ksa #riyadh #saudiarabia #saudi #delivery #orders
زباينا يحبون يرسلون لنا صور جميلة زي هذي
Our customers are the best customers in this entire planet! 
Grateful #vegan #vegetarian #vegetables #fruits #detox #ksa #riyadh
And they both get you all cleaned up‍♀️ Take care of your overall health by bathing the right way #bath #bathroom #healthy #health
Our favorite costumer is too precious wallahi
Because being healthy is probably the best gift that you can grant yourself with☘️ #healthyfood #detox #juicecleanse #health #fruits #vegetables #ksa #riyadh
زبائننا من أروع ما يكونون
Order your detox course now #detox #healthy #health #juicecleanse #vegan #lifestyle
Our lovely customer
#veggies #fruits #juicecleanse #detox #greens #ksa #riyadh
We wish our customer the results that she’s aiming for #vegan #vegetarian #detox #greens #juicecleanse #riyadh #ksa
Our wonderful customers 
#vegan #vegetarian #healthy #health #veggies #fruits #detox #cleanse #ksa #riyadh
Juices for days ‍♀️ #detox #cleanse #juicecleanse #vegan #health #healthy
Quote of the day ‍♀️ #motivation #hardwork #health #healthy #gym #workout #exercise #juice #cleanse #detox #vegan #vegetarian #riyadh #ksa #delivery
This is important 
#gym #fitness #gains #workout #exercise #ksa #riyadh
Order your juice cleanse via DM 
اطلبو عصيركم اليوم لان الصحة قبل كل شي
#vegetarian #vegan #healthy #health #juicecleanse #detox #ksa #riyadh

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